Parents Page

Information for our Enrolled Families

Families are the heart of the I Care Child Development Center community.

While the children are clearly the focus of our operations, the Center also needs strong parental involvement to carry out its mission. Parents elect volunteers from among themselves to serve on the all-parent Board of Directors; they volunteer to serve on committees that assist the Board in the management of the Center; they offer to serve as room parents, helping to coordinate parental involvement in individual classrooms; and they use their special talents, skills, and interests to help the Center in a variety of other areas. In this way, parents and staff work together to build on the strong foundation for the center.

Outdoor Play

We present an active outdoor program throughout the year.  All Children in the Center participate, so we ask that you please have them dressed appropriately.  Children get dirty when they play outside.  I Care uses mulch for the safety of your child and it leaves a brown residue on shoes and clothing.

Field Trips

The Center will schedule field trips quite frequently during the year and parents are encouraged to join their children and participate.  We also like to take the children to field trips in the Brookland Community, where they can learn about our community workers and important sites.

Toys, Objects, Personal Materials 

On Fridays only, your child may bring something from home to share at the Center.  Please be sure to label it with their name and let their teacher know of their possession.  Be sure to take it home at the end of the day.

Valuable items should not be brought to the Center.  The Center will not be responsible for lost or stolen items.


Please bring these items for your child:

Nap time blanket for cribs or cots.

Crib sheets, wipes formula, etc., for infants six(6) weeks to twenty-two (22) months. * I Care provides lunch for infants and toddlers.

All children in the center must have two (2) sets of a change of clothes and wipes.

*Parents are asked to take nap time sheets and blankets home every Friday.


Our uniforms are dark tops and khaki pants or dresses.  Children two (2) and older are to wear a uniform to the Center.  Your Child will engage in active play and many “messy” art projects,.  Children participate more freely if there is little concern about getting their clothes dirty.

*Please donate any old adult size Tee shirts for painting.

When soiled clothes are sent home, please replace them immediately!

Each child must have two (2) sets of clothing (shirt, undershirt, underpants, pants, socks, and wipes).  Please label each piece of clothing with the child’s name.  These clothes will be used if your child soils the clothes he is /she is wearing.

Flip-flops, open toe shoes, sandals, and jellies can be hazardous on the playground and therefore should not be worn to the Center at any time.

When the Center Accepts two (2) year old’s that are not potty trained, the parent(s) must bring their own disposable diapers and any accompanying products for the staff to use to keep the child dry.  The diapers should be clearly labeled with the child(s) name.

Pets/ Animals

I care has a pet, a dog named, Bentley.  All Animals have medical check-ups or yearly physicals and all shots are up to date.

*Any animal exhibiting signs of illness, shall be removed from the Center permanently.


Newsletter/Bulletin Board

Be sure to check BLOOMZ for the latest Newsletters and Bullentins.

Teacher lesson plans are located in the “Parent Corner” in each room.  Lesson Plans are followed daily unless special classes or activities occur.



Parents are always welcome to speak with the Director.  Parents are encouraged to use our communication system BLOOMZ to schedule a conference with the Director when necessary. The Director’s hours are Monday-Thursday from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm.


Meals & Diet


The Center offers breakfast daily.  Breakfast is served at 9:00 am.  If your child is not eating breakfast at the Center, please make sure your child has a nutritious breakfast at home.  Menus for the breakfast, lunch, and snacks are available at the “Sign-In/Out” desk by the front door.


The Center provides lunch daily during for all children.  If you decide to provide your child with a lunch from home, please prepare a nutritious meal. Please do not send lunches with extra snacks, candy, or gum.

*Peanut Butter will no longer be served at the Center.  Meals are provided by Smart Foods Caterers in the fall, winter and spring and the DC Department of Recreation in summer.


A nutritious snack is provided for all children daily in the afternoon. Snacks will include such items as fruit, vegetables, cheese and wheat products.  Parents are encouraged to donate nutritious snacks. (See Mrs. Jones-Adams Only)

Special Diets

If your child needs a special diet or is allergic to certain foods, be sure to notify the Director and your child’s teacher with a note from your child’s Physician.

Sick Children and Health Checks

Sick children

The teacher will greet your child each day after he/she arrives at the center and note if he/she appears to be sick.  Your child will be checked again following their afternoon nap.  Any child who exhibits one or more of the symptoms listed below, shall be removed from the Center and will not be allowed to return without a doctor’s Certificate of Good Health.

  • Diarrhea, i.e., runny watery or bloody stools
  • Vomiting two (2) or more times in a twenty-four (24) hour period
  • Body rash with fever
  • Sore throat with fever or swollen glands
  • Eye drainage with thick mucus or pus draining from the eye

If your child has been symptomatic or ill during the evening or morning before school, please do not bring him/her to the Center.  When children are symptomatic or become ill during the day, we will call you to pick him/her up.  If you are unable to come immediately to get your child, you must designate another adult to come and receive your child in your place.  If you fail to pick up your child or make arrangements, CPS will be notified.

*I Care Will Not Accept Your Child With A Temperature, Diarrhea And/Or Vomiting. Please Do Not Bring Your Child To Then Center IF He/She Is Sick.

Medication and Allergies:

If it is necessary for your child to receive any kind of medication during the hours that he/she is at the Center;  a Medication Oder Form must be completed.  Make sure it is labeled with the dosage, signed by the parent and the child(s) doctor and submitted to the Director.  Also note that:

  • Non-Prescription Drugs will not be administered to your child unless you have a Doctor’s Medical Order.
  • Peanut Butter will  no longer be  served at the center.

If your child is allergic to any food, plants, animals or other substances, it is your responsibility to fully inform the Director and your child’s teacher about the condition so that we may care for your child appropriately.


The welfare and safety of your child is of primary concern to us, we will make every effort to see that accidents do not occur;  however, young children are active and occasionally have accidents.

If your child has more than a minor lump or scrap, we will telephone you immediately to take your child to the Emergency room and contact OSSE. It is your responsibility to keep the Emergency Contact sheet updated with your child’s current address and your telephone numbers, place of employment, an alternate person to be called in case of an emergency, and pertinent information for your child’s doctor.

General Information


Please call the Center each time your child will be absent, for whatever reason, even for one day. Note:  If your child is absent from the Center due to vacation or illness, you must continue to pay tuition on time to keep his/her space.  You may loose the space or the tuition is:

  1. More than three(3) days late and you have not discussed the situation with the Center’s Director.
  2.  Your child is out five (5) or more inexcusable days per month.


The staff would like to celebrate with your child.  You may arrange with the staff to send a birthday treat, however we will celebrate your child’s birthday whether or not you send a special treat.

Special Needs Children

I Care will try to accommodate ALL CHILDREN regardless of any health issues or disabilities.  If any medical equipment is needed, we will work with the parent to  accommodate these needs.


have questions or want to visit us?


Mailing Address

We are located at

3737 12th Street, NE

Washinton, DC 20017

Nearest Metro: Brookland and Fort Totten

Phone and E-mail

We can be reached at:

Phone: (202) 832-0905

Email: [email protected]

Operating Hours

Monday thru Friday

7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

Closed weekends and major holidays

Want to Request more Information?

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